Pet lovers - are you considering adding a fluffy bundle of joy to your family in the form of a pet rabbit? Congratulations on embarking on this exciting journey! Before hopping into rabbit ownership, it's essential to ensure you have all the must-have essentials to provide a happy and healthy life for your new furry friend. From cozy hideaways to nutritious nibbles, let's explore the top must-haves for pet rabbit care to set you and your bunny companion up for success!

Above all, prioritise selecting the perfect home for your new rabbit. Ensuring a comfortable and spacious environment sets the foundation for their well-being and happiness. Take the time to choose wisely, considering their need for ample space to hop and play. With the right house, you're creating a welcoming haven where your rabbit can thrive and flourish.
The spacious cage or enclosure should have enough room for the rabbit to move around comfortably. Ensure it's large enough for hopping and stretching.
Bedding: Choose safe bedding material such as hay, straw, or recycled paper bedding. Avoid cedar or pine shavings as they can be harmful to rabbits.
Feeding time:
Food and Water Bowls: Heavy ceramic or stainless-steel bowls are ideal to prevent tipping. Provide fresh water daily and choose a balanced rabbit pellet diet supplemented with hay and fresh vegetables.
Hay: Rabbits require unlimited access to hay for proper digestion and dental health. Timothy hay is a good choice for adult rabbits, while alfalfa hay is suitable for young rabbits.
Do not forget stimulation:
Toys: Rabbits are active animals and need mental stimulation. Provide toys like tunnels, chew toys, and balls to keep them entertained and prevent boredom.
Hideout: Rabbits need a quiet place to retreat to when they feel stressed or want to rest. A hideout such as a cardboard box or a wooden hut will provide them with a sense of security.
Rabbit-Safe Chewables: Rabbits have continuously growing teeth, so providing chew toys or sticks made of safe materials like untreated wood or apple branches helps keep their teeth worn down and healthy.
Grooming rabbit fur is an important aspect of rabbit care to keep your pet's coat healthy and free from mats.:
Grooming Supplies: Regular grooming is essential to prevent matting and to check for any health issues. Purchase a soft-bristled brush and nail clippers designed for small animals.
Litter space:
Train your rabbit to use a litter box filled with rabbit-safe litter. Place the litter box in a corner of their enclosure where they tend to eliminate.

Do not forget veterinary care! Establish a relationship with a rabbit-savvy veterinarian for regular check-ups and in case of any health concerns. Rabbits require annual vaccinations against certain diseases like rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV).
And to ensure you are fully equipped for your parent journey, we investigated areas you might not consider at the beginning. One common thing that beginners may forget when they first bring home a rabbit as a pet is the importance of rabbit-proofing their living space. Rabbits are curious animals and love to explore, but they can also get into mischief if they have access to things they shouldn't.
Here are a few areas where beginners might overlook rabbit-proofing:
Cords and Wires: Rabbits love to chew, and electrical cords can be particularly enticing. Make sure to secure or cover any exposed cords and wires to prevent your rabbit from chewing on them and risking electrocution.
Houseplants: Many common houseplants are toxic to rabbits if ingested. Check your home for any plants that could be harmful and either remove them or place them out of reach.
Small Objects: Rabbits may try to eat small objects like keys, coins, or jewelry, which can pose a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockages. Keep these items safely stored away.
Furniture Legs: Rabbits may also chew on furniture legs, particularly if they're made of wood. Consider covering or protecting furniture legs with plastic tubing or providing alternative chewing outlets.
Access to Tight Spaces: Rabbits are natural burrowers and may try to squeeze into tight spaces, such as behind or under furniture. Make sure these areas are blocked off to prevent your rabbit from getting stuck or injured.
Chemicals and Cleaning Products: Store household chemicals, cleaning products, and other potentially toxic substances in cabinets or closets that are inaccessible to your rabbit.
Open Doors and Windows: Always supervise your rabbit when they're out of their enclosure to prevent them from escaping through open doors or windows.
Temperature Control: Rabbits are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Make sure their living space is kept at a comfortable temperature and provide plenty of bedding for warmth during colder months.
As you embark on your journey with your new rabbit companion, remember that providing a safe, stimulating, and nurturing environment is key to their well-being. By ensuring you have these essential items for your pet rabbit, you're setting the stage for a happy and fulfilling relationship. As you continue to learn and grow together, cherish the joy and companionship your rabbit brings into your life. Here's to many hoppy adventures ahead!